Thursday, October 16, 2008

SEO Tips and ABSOLUTELY No Tricks

SEO is not a one-shot process. The search landscape changes daily, so expect to work on your optimization daily. The bottom line in SEO is Text, Links, Popularity and Reputation. Here are just a few ideas to send you on your way to the top!

Check the link to your home page throughout your site. Is index.html appended to your domain name? If so, you’re splitting your links. Outside links go to and internal links go to Ditch the index.html or default.php or whatever the page is and always link back to your domain.

Check for canonicalization issues - www and non-www domains. Decide which you want to use and 301 redirect the other to it. In other words, if is your preference, then should redirect to it.

Check your server headers. Search for “check server header” to find free online tools for this. You want to be sure your URLs report a “200 OK” status or “301 Moved Permanently ” for redirects. If the status shows anything else, check to be sure your URLs are set up properly and used consistently throughout your site.

Use absolute links. Not only will it make your on-site link navigation less prone to problems (like links to and from https pages), but if someone scrapes your content, you’ll get backlink juice out of it.

Search engines want natural language content. Don’t try to stuff your text with keywords. It won’t work. Search engines look at how many times a term is in your content and if it is abnormally high, will count this against you rather than for you. Not only should your links use keyword anchor text, but the text around the links should also be related to your keywords. In other words, surround the link with descriptive text.

Links from .edu domains are given nice weight by the search engines. Run a search for possible non-profit .edu sites that are looking for sponsors.

If you are on a shared server, do a blacklist check to be sure you’re not on a proxy with a spammer or banned site. Their negative notoriety could affect your own rankings.

Be aware that by using services that block domain ownership information when you register a domain, Google might see you as a potential spammer.

Get the owner or CEO blogging. It’s priceless! CEO influence on a blog is incredible as this is the VOICE of the company. Response from the owner to reader comments will cause your credibility to skyrocket!

Understand social marketing. It IS part of SEO. The more you understand about sites like Digg, Yelp,, Facebook, etc., the better you will be able to compete in search.

To get the best chance for your videos to be found by the crawlers, create a video sitemap and list it in your Google Webmaster Central account. Videos that show up in Google blended search results don’t just come from YouTube. Be sure to submit your videos to other quality video sites like Metacafe, AOL, MSN and Yahoo to name a few.

Use the words “image” or “picture” in your photo ALT descriptions and captions. A lot of searches are for a keyword plus one of those words. Enable “Enhanced image search” in your Google Webmaster Central account. Images are a big part of the new blended search results, so allowing Google to find your photos will help your SEO efforts.

Through the use of swfObject and swfAddress, alternate content can be provided for Flash so that it becomes search engine accessible. Smart use of XSLT can allow the same content to populate both the flash and the HTML content seen by spiders.